Title 1
Title 1
What is Title I? Title I is a federally funded program that is intended to supplement the regular classroom curriculum. Students are provided extra assistance in reading and/or math. The program's goal is to support students, so that every child meets and/or exceeds the state's standards. A variety of teaching methods and materials are used to reinforce curriculum concepts.
What does school-wide Title I mean? A school-wide Title I program ensures the success of all Reidsville Elementary students. Everyone has access to the numerous resources and materials purchased with Title I funds, including chromebooks, laptops, computer programs, books, manipulatives, and learning games.
How does this impact my child? Your child has access to excellent resources and enriching programs. As a family in a Title 1 school, your involvement is very important to us.
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- College and Career Ready Performance Index
- ESSA Plan
- 2023-2024 NTES SIP Updated 8-29-23.pdf
- NTES SIP Spanish 24SY Updated 10-18-23
- State School Superintendent-Family Engagement Letter 2022
- FY24 Parents Right to Know - English Spanish.pdf
- FY2023-2024 TC Parent and Family Engagement Policy English.pdf
- FY2023-2024 SPANISH TC Parent and Family Engagement Policy.pdf
- Tattnall County Area Services - English.pdf
- Tattnall County Area Services - Spanish.pdf
- Copyright Piracy
- Title I School Transition Information
- HB251 Intradistrict Transfer Option Based on Availability
- N.T.E.S Parent and Family Engagement Policy 2023-2024 (English)
- N.T.E.S. Parent and Family Engagement Policy 2023-2024 Spanish.pdf
- Family Guide to Title I 24SY.pdf
- Family Guide to Title I Spanish 24SY.pdf
- Tattnall Approved Consolidated LEA Plan 24SY
- NTES Parent Compact 24SY.pdf
- NTES Parent Compact 24SY Spanish.pdf
- NTES Annual Title I Meeting Powerpoint 2023-2024 English 10-19-23.pptx
- NTES Annual Title 1 Meeting Presentation Spanish 24SY.pdf