Media Center

Welcome to the Media Center!
"The mission of North Tattnall Elementary School's Media Center is to promote an appreciation for reading, to encourage lifelong learning, and to ensure that all students, teachers, and staff are effective users of ideas and information."
Media Center Mission and Goal
Our Mission
To provide a warm and nurturing environment in which all students develop a life-long love of reading.
To empower students to become effective users and producers of ideas, information and technology in the 21st century.
To confirm and strengthen our instructional program through the collaborative efforts of the library media specialist, classroom teachers, administration, and parents. This partnership design forms an integral part of a learning community that celebrates information literacy and the teaching/learning process.
The library media center is integral to and supportive of the Reidsville Elementary (RES) curriculum and instructional objectives.
- To support and extend classroom instruction by providing the resources and academic program that meet the information needs of our diverse learning community.
- To collaborate with teachers in the use of appropriate instructional technologies and the design of strategies to achieve learning objectives.
- To organize, index, circulate and maintain a diverse collection of print and non-print resources and technologies that meets the needs of varying achievement levels and learning styles.
- To assist students in developing the skills they will need to locate, analyze, evaluate, interpret and communicate information and ideas in an ever-changing world.
- To provide a setting that encourages reading and promotes the value of reading and literature in an educated society.
Additional Information
- Bring AR Folder
- Stay Quiet and on Tasl
- Use Time Wisely
- Put Books in the Correct Place
- Report Lost or Damaged Books
- Keep Books Neat
- Help Others
- Ask for Help when you need it
- Return Books on time
- Take Care of your Books
- Leave it Neater than you Found it
The Media Center has a full-time, certified Library Media Specialist, Mrs. Angie Edwards. Flexible scheduling enables us to better meet the learning needs of our students. This flexibility offers more relevant teaching/learning opportunities and allows NTES students and teachers access to materials and information at the teachable moment. Planning between the media specialist and the classroom teachers is key to the effectiveness of our program. Students may be scheduled into the library media center as a whole class or in small groups, for storytime, to browse and check-out books or to do research. In addition, independent, small group student access is encouraged with the use of a library media task pass.
Check-out/return policies:
Students in grades K-1:
Students are allowed to check out one book that they can keep for up to two weeks.
Students in grades 2-5:
Students are encouraged to check-out two books which they can keep for up to two weeks, after which time an overdue notice is sent. Late fees are not charged.
Overdue fines:
The NTES Media Center does not charge late fees.
Lost/damaged books:
Students are responsible for all lost and damaged library books.
Teachers have unlimited check-out priviledges and are encouraged to check-out whatever print, non-print and technology they feel is necessary to support instruction. Classroom collections should be frequently returned to circulation and refreshed; certain equipment may be checked-out for long term use.
Accelerated Reader:
AR is a reading promotional program. It is a web based program that provides a short, multiple choice comprehension quiz for many of the titles that we have in the Media Center. We currently have access to ALL of the quizzes that AR offers. This means that you may have books on your shelves at home that your child can take an AR quiz on in school. In addition, through the Renaissance Home Connect site you can login and view your child's latest quiz results, request an email alert whenever your child takes a quiz at home, and also use the AR BookFinder to check on availability and reading levels of any suitable books you may have at home, or elsewhere. Actual test-taking is done during school hours, either in the classroom or in the Media Center.
You may also check on the OPAC from the NTES media center web site and see which books RES has tests for, the reading level and the availability.